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Frequently Asked Questions

Common Queries

What is Women and Revolution (WaR)?

Women and Revolution is an association based on Gadigal Land in Sydney. It represents and connects women across all sectors of the wine industry and is aimed at improving gender equality

What's Women and Revolution all about though?

Opportunities for education and connection for women in the industry are limited and we want to change that. We are offering a safe space where women can gather and connect. We’ll provide the education and coaching so that women learn to speak confidently and knowledgeably in this space. We will then expand that space out through events so that everyone (men included) gets accustomed to hearing women speak and listening to what they have to say.

What do your activities involve?

We focus our activities on four main areas

  • education: masterclasses on all things wine plus topics like debating and public speaking

  • coaching: workshops around workplace issues like salary negotiation, how to maintain a work life balance and how to lead inclusively 

  • community: events where members can connect, share ideas and share good times

  • buddy program: a mentorship program that connects younger members with more experienced ones and is designed to foster friendship and growth

How did Women and Revolution come about?

It started as a small series of informal dinners around Sydney - women reaching out to other women in the industry to connect over a meal and a bottle of wine. The dinners went from 10 to 30 in no time and very quickly swelled into something way too big for a restaurant reservation or home dinner party. The sense of potential was huge, so we organised a meeting at Where’s Nick Wine Bar to discuss what everyone wanted to to see happen. All attendees completed a form outlining what they were looking to get out of it. The suggestions were formalised into an agenda that now forms the basis of what the association offers, and how it will go about achieving better gender equality in the industry

Are non-binary folk and people with a trans experience/history welcome?

Yes. Women and Revolution is for all women, including AFAB*, non-binary, and those with a trans experience/history


*Assigned female at birth

How do you support First Nations people?

Whilst an Acknowledgement of Country is an important step and one that we commit to at all of our events, support should go well beyond acknowledgement. With this in mind, a portion of all membership fees goes directly to paying the rent. Our events and activities also raise donations that go directly to organisations run by and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women.

How do I become a member?

Through the Memberships tab on this website

I'm a man. Can I become a member?

Membership is only open to women but there are so many ways that you can be an ally. You can subscribe to our wine pack series, which support our winemaker members and raise money for our education and coaching programs. You can become an ally or make a donation which will help pay for membership for a woman who might not be able to afford it at this time. 

What does Membership get me?

Access to events, masterclasses and coaching as well as access to the buddy program and the Slack chat - a place where members connect, share resources and discuss any and all relevant issues

Is membership just for people who live in Sydney?

We currently have members from all around Australia. Our forum is national and connects women across all sectors of the industry. Whilst we are based in Sydney, and the majority of our events will take place in Sydney the community that we are building is not restricted to this one city.

What are membership fees used for?

Membership fees help to cover the  administration costs of the association like the website and general government and accounting fees. A portion is also directed towards ‘paying the rent’, as an acknowledgement that we all live on stolen Aboriginal land. Any profit goes back into the association to run the education, coaching and event platforms.

How can men be allies?

The simplest way is to pay the cost of a membership fee which will be donated to a woman who can’t afford it, but there are other ways too.
You can share our social media posts so that we can reach wider audiences.
You can use your power to start the conversation in the places we are not heard.
Rather than joining our space, we want you to make your spaces better.

How do I go about offering support to Women and Revolution?

If you're looking to offer support beyond shouting a membership then get in touch via the contact form. We appreciate all offers of assistance.

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We reside on Gadigal land, within the Eora Nation. We acknowledge these Traditional Owners and we pay respects to Elders past, present, and emerging. Sovereignty was never ceded.


Branding by

©2021 by womenandrevolution

Women and Revolution Incorporated 2021 INC2100825


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